For Legal Growing of Cannabis or Herbs
PROTECTION in either dedicated glass house or bespoke grow area
Without humidity control the very fabric and structural integrity of the growing room is in danger. Walls, plaster and wooden timers can rot and decay quickly as well.
maximising yield by protecting from pests , mildew and fungus
Protect the crop from mildew and fungus. Maximise yield & profitability. The majority of the water put into the crop will need to be controlled as humidity in the air.
DryFan allows low level humidity level for final processing
Create a drying cabinet with Ecor Pro unique DryFan technology. Ensure fast drying of any organic substance whether cannabis, coffee or herbs. See more here

LD models powerful and small
Takes in fresh air from outside and has a powerful HEPA Type filter system to help remove impurities in the air intakes.
Models with Desiccant Technology
Finally dry crops to the desired level much faster than gradual heat drying. Please see more on drying cabinets here

Cannabis Growing
Grow cannabis and any crop in growing rooms easier with Ecor Pro. The key factor in having a successful grow is controlling your environment.
Furthermore, the two main “crop-crushers” are concerns many growers face at one time or another: powdery mildew and botrytis.
This is more commonly known as bud rot. Either of these issues can destroy a grow and lead to thousands in lost revenue.
In addition, with any grow room setup, the dehumidifier is backbone of a well-controlled environment.
Ecor Pro supplies growers around the world with commercial grade dehumidifiers. Hundreds of cannabis cultivators around the world would benefit from proper sized units, placement, and air flow.
A Lot of Water
Plants release nearly all of the water they absorb back into the air. In a sealed grow room, cultivators need to account for and remove that water from the air to ensure proper humidity levels.
For instance, ff a grower uses 25 litres of water daily, and 5 litres go down the drain, that grower is left with 20 litres that need to be removed.
Larger growers will may need to remove 5 times this amount.
Effect of an Air Conditioner on Growing
One common misconception that leads to under-sizing a grow room dehumidifier setup is the idea that having an air conditioner means additional humidity control isn’t necessary.
Moreover, air conditioners can remove some moisture, they are designed to cool, but not remove water.
They don’t keep pace with the needs of a grow environment.
Particularly, air conditioners rarely run at night when the lights are off and there’s no additional heat added to the room, allowing mould and mildew to take hold.
Nonetheless, it is better to over size the dehumidifier setup with equipment that let them prepare for potential worst-case scenarios.
If you don’t invest in proper environmental controls, it’s almost negligent.
You’re setting yourself up for failure: controlling humidity is a key part of an integrated pest management strategy for your crop that including mildew and fungus as pests.”
Perfecting Placement
Whether a grower is running a single dehumidifier or a ten-strong legion, proper placement is key to their effectiveness.
Knowing how to place dehumidifiers helps to maintain a stable environment, reducing the risk of creating micro climates where humidity spikes and mould can take hold.
Moreover, to ensure proper placement it’s vital that growers pay attention to details. For example, facing the filter side toward the middle of the room and checking regularly to confirm each unit is draining properly.
As grow rooms increase in size, spacing becomes increasingly important because it allows for zoned humidity control.
For example, rather than running 15 dehumidifiers at once and then turning them all off, each is automated to sense independently when humidity increases in its zone. Hence, this approach keeps the room’s relative humidity more stable and increases energy efficiency.
Attention to Air Flow
Finally, understanding the shape of each room and how air will flow and mix in that space is critical to ensuring any dehumidifier setup maintains a consistent humidity level in a grow room.
Likewise, in a long room growers need dehumidifiers spaced equally to create a circular air flow.
If the room is narrow, with one dehumidifier, discharged air can be pushed over the room to get a consistent air mix across the plant canopy.
Not to mention, that’s a stark contrast to a tall room, where growers may want to duct return air down to the floor to create a consistent air flow.
Dehumidifiers can be ducted from the supply and return ports to direct air where growers want it and in the way that works best for their environment.
Want to recycle the water? See more on using refrigerant dehumidifier water over desiccant drying where no water is produced. It is no so straight forward.
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